Installation by Stefanie Wuschitz cocreated with Barbara Huber.
The installation highlights the small parts of interaction like the ones found in everyday life. The Moss Clock is only allowed to tick, when an animal walks by, a hand moves over it, or when a bird passes the moss. Any encounter with a living being sets the Moss Clock to its next phase. Through this interaction, time elapses. During the exhibition, the clock itself is growing, expanding and moldering.

May 10, 2012

Time Inventors’ Kabinet [TIK] is a collaborative experiment with time. For the last three years, a series of artists and thinkers have made an attempt to devise the future of an alternative and ecological time. This transdisciplinary project focuses on non-linearity and parallelism. All kinds of environmental information; be it a city, a field or beehive, can be transformed into sound and vision. Wind time maintains a distributed network that connects gardens in rural areas and cities, bringing them together in non-conventional relational databases, forming one long open green that has its own notion of time.

We are happy to invite you to the end of our 3-year long artistic program “Time Inventors’ Kabinet [TIK]“, an international project in which 3 main organizations, many small ones, and more than 20 media artists worked together around time and ecology. The festival brings a collection of works and ideas that have been explored in a rare long-term and very collaborative project.


Stefanie  Wuschitz